image: Iconology in digital art

Rough sketches for Dumb Cowl | Unit 2

This section is intended to show rough sketches and concepts developed within Unit 2 of the MA Digital Arts.


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image: Dumb Cow - roughs 1
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Dumb Cow 1.

These series of sketches explore how we attach sometimes demeaning human values on an animal, namely a cow. Some examples of the expressions we use include dumb cow, smart cow, stupid cow etc.

I have attempted to turn the focus of these expressions around through the use of images and question why we use these expressions in the first place. How does attaching the word cow to a statement add more weight or bias to that expression?

image: Dumb Cow - roughs 2

Dumb Cow 2.

These series of sketches continue to explore the Dumb Cow theme.

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