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Development work for week 28 (unit 2)


Image: King Arthur
Click image to view iconic narrative 3

Text taken from T.H. White's The Once and Future King and The Book of Merlyn.

King Arthur collaboration.

I created this image as a contribution to Jem Mackey's dynamic narrative project. The theme of the narrative is based on the myth of King Arthur.

For the piece I have represented the two ages of king Arthur based T.H. Whites books (The Once and Future King and The Book of Merlyn). White was influenced Morte d'Arthur written by Thomas Malory's. In his five books of King Arthur, White sets the story in the 13th Century. But evidence points to Arthur being alive around the 5th or 6th century.

White's writing is romantic and quotes references from the later centuries through the Merlyn. The stories are unrealistic in places and at time go off into tangents. But the difference in Arthur's mental and physical state from the first book, The Sword and The Stone, and the last book (The Book of Merlyn) is drastic.

The idealistic view of good has been eaten away by the reality of his failing to bring peace to England. In the end all his efforts are felt to have been in vain. Armies are still at war, his queen Guinevere has left him and the round table has long disbanded.

These two snap-shots of both ends of Arthur's life was the theme behind the image - the idealistic dreamer on the left and the fatalistic dying king on the right.



Image: Iconology web site design

Iconology web site.

I continued to work on the design and layout of the Iconology web site and now have the basic HTML pages completed.

I am currently learning some basic PHP to access a SQL database that will hold the questionnaire responses and the terminology definitions. I have installed mySQL and PHPmyAdmin on my Mac OSX and will continue to learn over the coming weeks.


Image: Unit 2 seminar presentation
Click image to view the presentation

Unit 2 seminar presentation.

Andy set the following task for week 28:

Task 2: Prepare a short presentation of your own work for the seminar. Use the week 28/29 message board to put the short presentation of your work on. [ie a brief description of your project].

This presentation is a summary of my progress to date.

T.H White. The book of merlyn. 1977
Fortana Collins.

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